Christmas with Laura Izumikawa
If you haven't already been following Laura's instagram account @lauraiz, you're going to want to after this. You will see a lot of her creative spin with her cute bubba Joey (who happens to be amazing at sleeping!), our favourites being Nacho Libre (classic gold!), Britney Spears and Anna Wintour - so good!
We have been lucky enough to have an e-chat with Laura about Christmas, and what it means for her and her family.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born in Tokyo, Japan and my family moved us to the United States when I was three years old and we've been living in Southern California ever since. I work as a freelance lifestyle photographer but have been taking time off to spend time with Joey at home.
We're so sad we weren't able to get a Christmas tree this year because we just didn't have the room in our tiny place! We will however be spending Christmas week packing and moving into a bigger place. Next Christmas we'll go all out for sure!
I can't imagine wishing for anything for myself right now. Having Joey in our lives is enough for me! Honestly, I can't stop thinking and crying over Syria, especially the mothers and children there. I am hoping for peace and justice for the Syrian refugees. I wish the world would know just how grave the effects of war has been there and in Turkey and help.
Home Alone 1 & 2!!
Favourite Christmas carol?
Any new traditions you will be starting with Joey this year?